von Peter Griffith

The Tyrants' Kiss ist eine neue aktualisierte Fassung von Shakespeares Drama "Pericles" - geschrieben in moderner Sprache und in das 21. Jahrhundert verlegt.

Perry ist ein gebildeter junger Mann auf dem gefährlichen Weg über das Mittelmeer in das sichere Italien. Auf der dramatischen Flucht verliert er seine Familie und sein gesamtes Hab und Gut. Nur seinen Mut und seine Hoffnung verliert er nie.

Wird Shakespeares Held in dieser modernen Version sein Glück finden?

Fotos von 'The Tyrants' Kiss'

Saison 22/23

Saison 19/20

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Textauszug von 'The Tyrants' Kiss'

Antioch: So now you're coming with us.
Perry: But my family – my things – my clothes -
Antioch: I don't see any family. I don't see any things.
Perry: My things – they're with my friends...
Antioch: Oh, so you have friends. Who exactly are your friends?
Perry: They're... I don't know.
Antioch: You don't know who your friends are?
Perry: No. I've forgotten. I have no friends.
Antioch: No friends. How unfortunate.
Thaliard: How unfortunate.
Antioch: You are an illegal immigrant, with no right to be in this country.
Perry: I told you. I had papers. They were stolen. I've been to the embassy. I've applied for new papers. You can't take me away. You've got no right.
Antioch: You're the one with no rights.
(Perry reaches for his pocket)
Thaliard: Stand still!
Antioch: Keep your hands up! Now Thaliard, see what's in that pocket.
Perry: Keep off me.
Thaliard: It's money, boss.
Antioch: So it is. Money.
(Thaliard takes the money)