von Peter Griffith

The Green Knight erzählt eine Geschichte vom Hofe des legendären King Arthur.
Ein riesiger Ritter, in grün gekleidet, fordert Arthurs Ritter zum Kampf heraus. Sir Gawain nimmt die Herausforderung an, bemerkt jedoch zu spät, dass der grüne Ritter ein Zauberer ist. So beginnt ein wildes Abenteuer durch finstere Wälder und eisige Berge, bis sich am Ende die beiden Rivalen gegenüber stehen.
Wie kann der ehrenwerte Sir Gawain in dieser Welt der Tricks und Zauberei gewinnen?

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Saison 22/23

Saison 19/20

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Ausschnitt aus 'The Green Knight'

Textauszug aus 'The Green Knight'

Bertilak: Hail King Arthur, king of England
Arthur: Er- welcome to my court. Do come and join us. I'm afraid we don't have any more chairs - but if you don't mind standing, we were just about to have dinner.
Bertilak: Thank you, your majesty. I am not hungry.
Arthur: Perhaps something to drink?
Bertilak: Thank you, no. I am not here to eat or drink, but for a different purpose.
Arthur: Oh yes? Well, how can we help you?
Bertilak: I have heard that the knights of King Arthur's round table are the bravest and most honourable in the world.
Arthur: Yes, I think you're right. My knights are the bravest and most honourable in the world - aren't you Lancelot? Aren't you Gawain?
Lancelot: Well, I think I am, anyway. I'm not sure about Gawain.
Gawain: Of course I'm brave and honourable - more than Lancelot.
Arthur: Yes, they are fine knights - both of them. The best knights in the world. Now, how can we help you?
Bertilak: I am here to test them.