Niveau intermédiaire

de Peter Griffith


Une petite troupe de théâtre entreprend de jouer un thriller d'espionnage... Mais les deux hommes de la troupe ne tiennent pas compte des sentiments de leur actrice principale, qui refuse d'interpréter les rôles sexistes qui lui sont destinés.
Comment vont-ils parvenir à achever leur spectacle?


Cette pièce très visuelle et pleine d'entrain étudie les stéréotypes liés au sexe dans les divertissements populaires.




Photos de 'The Girl with the Golden Wig'



Extrait du texte de la pièce 'The Girl with the Golden Wig'

Dee: I'm quite happy to tell the story of Dick Bond and Silas Queeze. But if you want the story to be filled with ridiculous brainless women who fling themselves at Dick Bond all the time, then you will have to find someone else to play these parts.
Mel: Oh my god I give up. I can't work with this sort of attitude.
Ray: Wait a minute, Mel. Dee's just given me an idea. We must find someone else. Leave it to me. Right you lot, as you've seen, we've got a bit of a problem. One member of our cast is...indisposed. So we need to find someone else to take over the role. Someone who's a bit open-minded. Someone who doesn't mind a little bit, you know what I mean. Is there anyone here who thinks she might...No-one?

de Peter Griffith

The Tyrants' Kiss est une version contemporaine de la pièce de Shakespeare Pericles.

Perry part pour un long et dangereux périple en Méditerranée. Par deux fois, il échappe de peu à la noyade... Il est emprisonné pendant 15 ans... Il perd sa femme, sa fille et toutes ses possessions, mais il ne perd jamais courage ni espoir. Pourra- t-il trouver le bonheur ?

Cette pièce écrite en anglais moderne suit la trame de l’histoire originale et s’avère d’une pertinence impressionnante de nos jours.

Photos de 'The Tyrants' Kiss'

Saison 22/23

Saison 19/20

Anciennes productions

Extrait du texte de la pièce 'The Tyrants' Kiss'

Antioch: So now you're coming with us.
Perry: But my family – my things – my clothes -
Antioch: I don't see any family. I don't see any things.
Perry: My things – they're with my friends...
Antioch: Oh, so you have friends. Who exactly are your friends?
Perry: They're... I don't know.
Antioch: You don't know who your friends are?
Perry: No. I've forgotten. I have no friends.
Antioch: No friends. How unfortunate.
Thaliard: How unfortunate.
Antioch: You are an illegal immigrant, with no right to be in this country.
Perry: I told you. I had papers. They were stolen. I've been to the embassy. I've applied for new papers. You can't take me away. You've got no right.
Antioch: You're the one with no rights.
(Perry reaches for his pocket)
Thaliard: Stand still!
Antioch: Keep your hands up! Now Thaliard, see what's in that pocket.
Perry: Keep off me.
Thaliard: It's money, boss.
Antioch: So it is. Money.
(Thaliard takes the money)

de Peter Griffith


Piers et Vincent sont des amis de toujours. Mais quand ils sont envoyés en internat, ils tombent tous deux amoureux de Silvia, la fille du principal. Leur amitié survivra-t-elle à ce conflit? Comment Julia, la petite amie de Piers, va-t-elle réagir à la rupture de ses promesses?


Version moderne de la comédie de Shakespeare 'Les Deux gentilshommes de Verone', cette pièce divertissante explore les méandres émotionnels de l'amour et davantage encore les doutes et l'incertitude de l'amitié chez les adolescents.




Photos de 'Two Gentlemen'

Saison 19/20

productions anterieures



Extrait du texte de la pièce 'Two Gentlemen'

Silvia: I don't know what to think.
Piers: Look Silvia, Vincent's gone. Expelled from school. I'm afraid you probably won't see him again – your father will see to that.
Silvia: He'll find a way to see me!
Piers: You can rely on me. I'll look after you, and help you get over Vincent.
Silvia: I don't want to 'get over' Vincent! I want to see him again, as soon as possible!
Piers: I'm sure. But given the way Vincent is – and the way your dad is – I think that may never happen.
Silvia: Piers, I'm not quite sure what you're trying to tell me. But I don't think I want to hear it. Now as I said, I want to be on my own. Goodbye.