
von Peter Griffith


Ein deutsches Mädchen aus wohlhabender Familie besucht eine Sprachschule in Brighton. Dort trifft sie Gavin – einen mittellosen jungen Engländer, der ihren Weltblick für immer verändern wird.
Nebenbei lernt sie vieles über England kennen – von der überfüllten U-Bahn bis zum gemütlichen Pub, von britischer Höflichkeit bis zur verwirrenden Grammatik und von Big Ben bis zum London Eye.



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Textauszug aus 'Dreaming in English'

Joe: Deckchairs. Deckchairs. Only two pounds. Deckchairs. Excuse me, miss. That will be two pounds please.
Lena: Sorry?
Joe: Your deckchair. Two pounds please.
Lena: I am sorry. I don’t understand.
Joe: Deck - chair - two - pounds.
Lena: I don’t understand.
Joe: Miss, you are sitting on a deck-chair. Deckchairs cost money. You must pay to sit on one of these deckchairs. You must give me money. Now. Please. Two pounds.
Lena: Money?
Joe: Yes, money.
Lena: But I have no money.
Joe: No money? Oh come on. They all say that. No money? Come on, give me two pounds.
Lena: I don’t understand.
Gavin: Excuse me, do you need help?
Lena: Thank you. I don’t know what this man is saying.
Gavin: Do you have a problem?
Joe: This girl is sitting on one of my deckchairs. She must pay two pounds.
Gavin: OK, this girl is a friend of mine. It’s not her deckchair. She’s looking after it for her grandmother. Her grandmother will pay.
Joe Grandmother?
Gavin: Look, her poor old grandmother is ninety-seven years old, and she can’t walk very well, and she has been using this beach since before you were born, so don’t you make such a fuss about a poor old lady...
Joe: All right, I give up. But if you ever use one of these deckchairs again, you will have to pay two pounds.
Gavin: Thank you. We understand.
Lena: Yes. (Deckchair-Joe exits)
Joe: Deckchairs. Two pounds a go. Deckchairs...
Lena: Thank you.
Gavin: That’s all right.
Lena: Thanks you for your help.
Gavin: No problem. Are you all right now?

von Peter Griffith


Vier Teenager planen am Wochenende eine Party zu feiern und bringen sich schon vorher mit reichlich Wodka in die richtige Stimmung...


Eine Unterhaltsame Komödie, die in einer Tragödie endet als die vier SchülerInnen mit den Gefahren des Alkoholkonsums konfrontiert werden. 


Fotos von 'Drinking for Dummies'


Textauszug aus 'Drinking for Dummies'

Tamsin: Zola - Barney - here you are! I´ve been looking everywhere for you. 
Zola: You have? 
Tamsin: I´ve had a great idea. You know, Jake and I are planning to go clubbing on Saturday - 
Barney: You are?
Tamsin: And we´d asked Barney to come along with us.
Zola: You did? 
Tamsin: And I just thought, why don´t we ask Zola along as well, and make it a little party - the four of us.
Zola: Well, I don´t know - 
Tamsin: Isn´t that a good idea? 
Barney: Yes. Good idea. 
Tamsin: Zola is new here, and so we can show her round. You can help show her round, can´t you Barney?
Barney: Er... Yes - yes, that´s right. 
Tamsin: What do you say Zola? Isn´t it a good idea? Come with us, and we´ll show you the town. 

von Peter Griffith


Sam isst immer weniger und macht extrem viel Sport. Sie streitet sich mit ihrem Freund und ihren Eltern. Was ist ihr Problem?
Food for Thought ist ein bewegendes Stück über Magersucht, eine Krankheit, an der immer mehr SchülerInnen leiden. Wird Sam die heimtückische Krankheit überleben und sie überwinden? Und wie kommen ihre Freunde und ihre Familie damit klar, dass die Magersucht jetzt das Wichtigste in Sams Leben ist?



Fotos von 'Food for Thought'



Textauszug aus 'Food for Thought'

Anorek: Your mother’s bringing you some milk. What are you going to do with that milk?
Sam: Drink it, I suppose.
Anorek: Milk is full of little globules of fat. If you drink it, the fat will spread through your body and puff out your skin. It will make you flabby. Is that what you want?
Sam: No.
Anorek: Then think: how can you avoid drinking the milk?
Sam: I…could spill it on the floor.
Anorek: No good – she’ll just bring you another glass.
Sam: I could…distract her attention, and then pour it away somewhere.
Anorek: Good, that’s better. Now think, how can you distract her attention? Think! You haven't got much time!
Sam: I could…I know, I could tell her that I’ve hurt my foot, and when she looks down I could pour the milk...into the bed.
Anorek: So that’s the plan. Look out, she’s coming.